We are proud to offer a range of Pitot-Static Test Equipment from market leaders ATEQ Aviation, a worldwide manufacturer of automated testers for all types of aircrafts. We offer a range of ATEQ products and customised hardware and software solutions, adapted to all industry requirements: pneumatic, electric and electronic safety testing systems. Cobra Systems, an ATEQ company since 2018, manufactures Pitot-Static adapters, accessories and covers.

Available items include the ADSE 650, for all aircraft types and electrical power supplies. It can be used for testing high performance civil and military aircraft, fixed and rotary wings.

This Pitot Static Tester is designed primarily for flightline use to cover the testing of all barometric and manometric pressure instrument systems.




Also available:

ADSE 550

A portable, self-contained field tester designed to test aircraft pitot and static systems for leaks as well as the operation and calibration of airspeed, altimeter, engine pressure ratio, manifold pressure indicators, and other vacuum or low-pressure units.









ADSE 743

Caters fully for all aircraft types and the different electrical power supplies. Can be used for testing high performance civil and military aircraft, fix and rotary wing.
This Pitot Static tester is designed primarily for flightline use.







ADSE 744

The newest of our broad range of pitot and static testers. An Air Data Test Set specifically designed for the new-generation pitot tubes that integrate sensing probes, pressure sensors and powerful air data computer processing to provide all critical air data parameters including pitot and static pressure, airspeed, altitude, and angle of attack. Primarily for flightline use.






ADSE 746

Caters fully to all aircraft types and the different electrical power supplies. Can be used for testing high performance civil and military aircraft, fixed and rotary wing. The multi-pressure outlets option can suit more complex pilot-static systems.





ADSE 740

The Pitot-Static tester for laboratories and workshops – a complete high performance dual pressure Ps and Pt standalone test bench specially designed to be used in the workshop or in the laboratory to test and calibrate all air data equipment and sensors.






The EFCTB is a compact electric and easy-to-use tester designed for Boeing’s Elevator Feel Computer. The EFCTB has been Designed to support all Boeing aircraft with Elevator Feel Computer and Centering Units including all needed gauges/pumps in one single box.






Get in touch for a quote or to find out more.