Thanks to your generosity and a true team effort our 2024 Charity Cricket Tournament raised nearly £20,000 for Kangaroos Sussex – an amazing organisation which brings colour to the lives of children and young people with disabilities. If you’d like to help us make it over the £20k mark, we’re still very happy to receive your donations.
We are so grateful to Gibson Blanc Photography for his incredible photos (below), our fantastic team of volunteers and all at Preston Nomads for their tireless work and support in making it a day to remember!
Malorie Short as cricket manager kept the tournament ticking over; all teams played at least two games of cricket with the eventual final between Kangaroos and PDQ a barnstorming victory for PDQ Airspares, repeating their victory of 2023.
We are so grateful to colleagues from AJW, AerCap, AMETEK, Aviation Club of Great Britain, Clyde and Co, Floral Image, Muirhead Avionics and H-Lease for fielding teams and participating with such gusto. There were unique auction lots, covetable raffle prizes and a Grand Prize Draw for a ProPain custom hand-built mountain bike all of which helped us towards our total.
See you in 2025!

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